Fresh off the train

Once you’ve got a feel for the game via running above trains, you’ll make your way to the very first puzzle, and boy is it a doozie! Much like many other platformers, War of the Worlds employs a simple two-button control mentality. A is to jump, X is to push or pull. Below the train will be a large fire pit, glowing brightly in the color-devoid world, and just in front of it will be decidedly less luminescent crate. Crates are magical in War of the Worlds, so push them over fire to extinguish the fire.

Electric cable death

Following this will be a quick romp over some scaffolding, which is easy, but be quick as some platforms will fall. Just after that is an electrical death cable adventure of sorts. While the hanging cables seem ominous, ultimately they won’t hurt you unless you jump into them. Speaking of which, the next cable sort of dances back and forth, jumping over it is entirely possible and is only a matter of timing.

Falling floor surprise

Above the pit of fire after the electric cables is a ceiling, more like a floor in this case. Run on it until you reach the wall, as it falls, you’ll land safely across the fire pit.

Crate smash express

Another massive bit of fire blocks the way, with a crate standing ominously above you. Go get the crate and push it off, but don’t follow it as jumping from that height will lead to death, which is not preferred. Instead, climb back down, roll through the freshly poked hole in the train, jog to the end then pull the crate from the edge.

Lightning ladder climb

This one’s all timing, just climb the ladder at the appropriate time.

Platforming plunge

After the lightning climb bit, be ready to be quick. The following jumps must be made quickly and with running starts. After that, dodge the electricity, time the next jump through the electricity again, then jump over the cables and roll under the hanging ones. Woosh. You’ve completed the first level!

Level two: Sussex Garden