Blood weed

Oooh, creepy red stuff. It slowly creeps towards you and eventually makes you dead. Which. Is bad. So don’t get creeped on. As it grabs you, you can run away to get it off or use the axe to cut it off. As it coagulates it’ll become more powerful and be able to hold things in places or keep you from running away. However, it’s sensitive to light and will be pushed away if it gets too close.

Elevator crate weed

The crate above the large pitfall which you probably died on the first time is a necessary thing, so be sure to bring it down with you. After you get down, run to the elevator and crank it up, then turn on the light source while keeping the blood weed at bay. After that, lower the elevator just enough to roll out of it, but keep it up so you can get behind it. Push the crate out in front of you so it breaks the little barrier.

Blood red bridge

Big scary blood weed pile, little bit of light, how do they work together? So the blood weed, when it hardens, can be walked on. The key here is to use the light to harden the blood weed then use it as a bridge. The drawback is when the light touches the blood weed, it’ll start to corrode pretty quickly. Ideally, let the weed get pretty close to you, then turn on the light, and run for the other side quickly.

Blood red stairs

Lots of blood. Or rather, clots of blood! Worth it. Anyways in this zoomed out puzzle you’ll want to let the evil blood weed get close to you from the left armpit looking area, then rotate the light towards you so that it hardens and can be used as a stairway. There’s a bunch more to this puzzle presumably, but that jump to the platform on the right can be timed properly, so there’s no need for the crate.

Blood red everything

This place is tricky, so you’ll have to be quick-e. Start the generator to get the light going, when the sound is pretty constant that means the light is maxed out. Then, get to running. The platforms are pretty variable, but ideally go right, then left, then right again from level to level. You’ll have to feel out your favorite path. Axe weed sections that come after you after the light dies out.

Blood red ladders

Before jumping from ladder to ladder, get as close to the weed as possible.

Blood red ramp

This one’s easy, just get the weed to come up enough for you to land on it then slide down.

Blood red hallway

You’ll have to jump like crazy through here over the first three weed batches. The last three all bunched together might get tough, so use the axe early so you don’t die mid-animation.

Level Eleven: End Game
Level Nine: Stamford Street