Okay, so it’s two days late. Bame us for gearing up for PAX.

Anywhoo, here’s a great little track from Trials veteran CannibalShogun. It’s setting is that of a world crisis where the rider must get to and disarm a missile. It never ceases to amaze us what the Trials community can do with these tools, and this one is right up there with the rest of the greats. It’s a little short, but it’s a ton of fun.

Difficulty: Medium
XBLAFans’ best time: 2:55:10

To download this course you’ll need to send a friend request to the gamertag linked below. Once they have accepted the request you’ll be able to download all of their courses through the game menu. Please be courteous and thank them once you have downloaded the track, then remove them from your friends list so others can have a chance to download the track.

Gamertag: Cannibal Shogun