
The annual Evo Championship Series brings together the best of the best in the fighting game world. As such, the allure of so many dedicated practitioners of virtual fisticuffs under one roof draws a developer or two looking to build hype for their upcoming games. Last week’s Evo 2013 was the place to be for information on Xbox One’s Killer Instinct revival, and Microsoft was on hand to drop some knowledge about the cool things they have in store.

Microsoft’s Creative Director Adam Isgreen spoke on the panel where he touched on a few of the features the next iteration of Kinect could bring to the title. By detecting your presence as soon as you pick up the controller, Kinect could map your button layout and select your favorite character automatically. This could even occur in-game in the event somebody hands you the controller asking you to pull the match out of a nosedive.

Isgreen stressed that while some might be uncomfortable with the thought of the Kinect in the room, it brings a lot of potential to the table for Killer Instinct, with special consideration going to the tournament and streaming scene. Check out the video below courtesy of IGN.

Source: IGN