Inner Sanctum

Secret Areas (8):

  1. After the first checkpoint coming down the stairs from the majorly awesome fire-fight, hang a right U-turn and hug the wall to find the area.
  2. In the battle with the three red barrels stacked neatly and the skeletons in formation there will be two gates. After winning, both open; go left instead of up to find a puzzle. Beyond that puzzle, up north through some crates, is a heart container.
  3. During the battle with the Flaming Undead Butchers go off to the left of the entrance until colliding with the wall. From there, turn left up the fallen rock to find the secret area and Soul Anchor.
  4. After the battle where the Flaming Undead Butchers are released from cages, go through the gate and make a left at the wall. There will be a Heart Container up the stairs and a secret area.
  5. After that long zigzag battle to open the gate and cross the checkpoint on the bridge, a battle will break loose full of red barrels. Hug the south wall to find some stairs and a secret area.
  6. In the library after the battle with the lightning wall through which a second wave full of elites pour through are some stairs. Climb those stairs and to the left past the book shelves is a secret area with a Soul Anchor.
  7. Upon exiting the library and after the battle (or during, whatever) hug the left wall under the fallen pillar to find the area and a challenge map.
  8. After the long battle ending with the Death Knight, go to the room to the southeast where once there was a wall. There will be a secret area in the right-most corner as well as a chest.


  1. Right after area 1 and after the Wizard door (keep going along the wall) is a circle of pressure switches with one in the center. Dash over the center pressure plate (don’t stand on it) then in travel in a circle on the plates around the center one before the fire goes out.
  2. In the battle with the three red barrels stacked neatly and the skeletons in formation there will be two gates. After winning, both open, go left instead of up to find a puzzle.


Challenge Maps:

  1. Upon exiting the library and after the battle (or during, whatever) hug the left wall under the fallen pillar to find the area and a challenge map.

Heart Containers:

  1. In the battle with the three red barrels stacked neatly and the skeletons in formation there will be two gates. After winning, both gates open; go left instead of up to find a puzzle. Beyond that puzzle, up north through some crates, is a heart container.
  2. After the battle where the Flaming Undead Butchers are released from cages, go through the gate and make a left at the wall. There will be a Heart Container up the stairs and a secret area.

Soul Anchors:

  1. During the battle with the Flaming Undead Butchers go off to the left of the entrance until colliding with the wall. From there, turn left up the fallen rock to find the secret area and Soul Anchor.
  2. In the library after the battle with the lightning wall through which a second wave full of elites pour through are some stairs. Climb those stairs and to the left past the book shelves is a secret area with a Soul Anchor.
  3. When heading through the church a Soul Anchor will be off between the first and second row of benches on the left.

Treasure Chests:

  1. Wizard: After the first secret area and the skeleton tossing red barrels will be a Wizard door, just hug the wall to find it.
  2. Mercenary: In the library after the battle with the lightning wall through which a second wave full of elites pour through are some stairs. Climb those stairs and on the right will be a Mercenary wall.
  3. After the long battle ending with the Death Knight, go to the room to the southeast where once there was a wall. There will be a secret area in the right-most corner as well as a chest.
  4. Assassin: After the challenge map secret area will be a checkpoint and a big stash of gold with a blue beaker in it. Directly across from it along the wall will be an Assassin door.