
Posts By Jen Rawles

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GamePeople: How Case Zero Found Dead Rising’s Soul
13 years ago

GamePeople: How Case Zero Found Dead Rising’s Soul

By  •  Features

The following article may or may not be representative of the beliefs of the XBLAFans Editorial Staff. It has been republished with permission from GamePeople: The destination for everyday artisan video game reviews. To read the article as originally published click here.

Dead Rising Case Zero presents as a zombie death demo for Dead Rising 2, the main event. Underneath however is a tale about the importance of the father/daughter relationship – albeit one with distracting zombie killing all around it.

I’m a fan of all things zombie. Films might be typically shallow and mindless but I’m always happy to watch them as long as they have some undead walking the streets. It was a similar tale for the first Dead Rising. Visceral and fun yet I have no recollection of it ever being particularly powerful in its storytelling.

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